Newbie. Update from 3.0 to 3.4

i don’t seem to have this package.

  • I use google translate because I’m Italian sorry -
    Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you, you are great CYANLABS !! I performed the simple procedure you posted to me. My SYNC 3.0 19205 updated to the latest version 3.4 GREAT! after 50 minutes of updating everything works fine! ALL!!! gorgeous.
    The central 4 inch screen Navigator indication also works when I use Maps or Waze with Andorid Auto !!! it’s wonderful! all perfect! much better sync 3.4 and Perfect F9 maps!
    I will make a donation to the project because you deserve it!
2 Likes Gracenotes section… 4U5T-14G423-FA

By the way… it worked.

CAR: 2019 Fusion Hybrid
I updated from 3.3 Build 18201 Region NA to 3.4.20196. everything worked except the remote feature. ALL FordPass Connect Feature are not working. I cant access the setting in the CAR at all.

I checked online it seems a Modem issue. as in my car the Onboard Modem Serial (ESN): is empty now. but it was U8AA04TF before the update.

Any info on a fix? or do i need to downgrade?? is that possible.

Perform a Master Reset in Sync. See if the serial number populates on the info screen.

You may have to uninstall the app from you phone and re-install. Make sure you log out of the app before you remove it from the phone.

performed a Master reset. I will try again. also with the login out of the phone

I am thinking of preforming a power cycle to the Onboard Modem, but not sure where its located

You will have to disconnect the battery to power cycle the modem.

In the app on the phone, remove the vehicle from the account. Log out of the app.

Wait 5 minutes.

Log back into the app. Add the vehicle back to the account and authorize it on the Sync screen and phone.

ok Thanks I will do it and update here tmrw.

Thanks for the help

I repeat the question, is it possible to upload only the latest maps without changing the application?

Do I need to do a full system installation?

no just select the maps and nav_voice packages

![IMG_9193|666x500, 50%]

I am looking for support for switching from sync 3.0 build 19025 to sync 3.4 build 20196, thanks a lot

Does it mean that the selected packages will replace old maps? Can you give an example of what it should look like?

how can i proceed to solve everything, i have the sync waiting for the stick, help me

update from 3.0 -19025 to 3.4 - 20196 error as per photo

Spamming the same question in many threads won’t get you anywhere.
In fact, it may cause people to just overlook your case…

Be patient, if no one replied is because either they didn’t read your thread or they do not know how to help.

Either way, spamming won’t help or change that…
So again, be patient, they are already asking for more information in the other thread you created.