Ordered a SYNC 4 APIM, lets see what happens once it arrives!

Including mine :rofl:

only thing im really after from sync 4 is wireless carplay. beyond that sync 3 is a better platform at least when I compare my super duty to my fusion. It seems the F150/MME guys are getting all the good stuff from sync 4 but they are ignoring the 22 Super Duty sync 4 users. My Super Duty sync 4 has never received a single update.

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Just use a dongle it’s not worth the issues just for wireless carplay or android auto

Speaking from experience

I know thats what ill end up doing. just dumb how poorly backwards compatible ford made sync3 and 4 but we all know this was on purpose lol

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You would think that until you see what kind of data is on these networks and how they need to be upgraded. Of course, the new cars like the Lightning and Mustang are all network based now. Even the new Explorers have a new module that controls everything in the rear quarter panel.

The reason why Sync 4 does not work is because of the newer network security implemented in the networks to avoid hacking. It’s not just Ford though. Were just lucky enough that Ford allows programs like Forscan to even work without password protecting the modules like other companies do.


Surely it’s more that ForScan and UCDS devs have “cracked” the security, you see things like “sending magic keys” in UCDS.

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Very well could be. Way above my knowledge. Thankful for them for sure.

2022 F250 XL. Originally came with Sync 3 and the 8 inch screen. Bought the extension harness for the APIM and removed 53/54. Sync 4 would boot. But lost all coms to TCU . Removed HS4 from extenstion harness and TCU now shows up again, hotspot and Remote start commands work.

Cannot for the life of me get forscan or UCDS to find the APIM. Also have codes set in BCM saying lost com with APIM. I have deleted profiles in Forscan and even selected an Edge in UCDS. What am I not doing correctly? Latest UCDS and Forscan BETA versions.

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You need to use a vehicle profile that has Sync 4 in it. That will be used to talk to the Sync 4 APIM only. Then you use your vehicle profile to talk to the rest of the vehicle. You can contact FORScan or UCDS support and ask them to help, but you will need to be a paid license user.

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Im paid on both. On UCDS they dont have any support currently for any superduty 250 350 since 2020. Sync 4 should be able to be seen in forscan as it was an option on the 2022 year. Or do i need to find someone that can export me their profile that has sync 4?

You need to use a like vehicle with Sync 4…you will need a profile to use.

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You can just use a vehicle with sync 4 on ucds

Yep. UCDS will do that, FORScan won’t.

i have a ford fusion would that work wwith sync 4 has anyone tried

Fusion does not have HS4 so that could be a problem.

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It’s not a problem to add HS4 to Fusion though.

What’s hs4 lol

You can add it yes but it wont work unless you add a GWM that supports it. The problem with that is it routes things differently than earlier GWM’s. This will cause all kinds of DTC’s to occur in the modules as they are set to communicate using different paths.

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Ok, got it, thanks. So, the key part is the right GWM? Okay, so if we install Sync 4 and GWM from the same car and will add the needed wirings to support HS4, it should work fine?

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You cannot add the Sync 4 version GWM to a previous generation vehicle. They are completely different. You would need the TCU also, but it really just does the FordPass stuff if you care. That is why the Sync 4 retrofit does not make sense, as it will be nothing but a music player at best.

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