Sync 3.4.20136 - Feedback & Issues

Many thanks for such a quick reply. Sorry forgot to mention, yes I did the master reset too. Perfect looks like I’m done. Cheers.

No worries for reference pkgerr04 is it trying to activate the reformat tool which is blacklisted on 19274 and therefore gives that error. If it didn’t give you that error it would have started the entire process again

Buenas tardes, he intentado actualizar mi Focus con version 20021 a esta 20136 con estos archivos y me da error 05, tenogo nav de europa. esto es posible o necesito otra solucion.

hi, could you create a custom package for me?

Did you downgrade first?
If not you must select downgrade and do this first before attempting to upgrade on that version.

4 posts were split to a new topic: Themes not sticking

no rebajé…lo hice con unos archivos que puso mas arriba CyanLabs…

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Tengo la version 20021, y estoy descargando con la aplicacion de CyanLabs la version 19101 para rebajar y luego poder actualizar a la 20136…entiendo que es asi o necesito algun paso intermedio…gracias de antemano por vuestra labor

Yo lo hice asi en su dia
Instalé region europa y una vez instalado elijoespañol
Unica pega que los comandos de voz salen en aleman
Cdo pregunté como corregirlo no supieron ayudarme

I will definitly stay with the 19200 build version. The most stable one, and I have my VIDEO, BACKGROUNDS and ENDINGS on it.
Never had any troubles

Can do video and backgrounds on all versions including 20136

I can, too, but like I said, the 19200 is the most reliable one

personally i think 19101 is just a reliable

I go back to 19274…
In the last version y have a problem with bluetooth

Is it possible to go back to this version from the latest version?

You can go back to 3.2 (latest one we support is 3.3)

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getting red screen w/ “error in 4U5T-14G421-CGC_1580860974000.TAR.GZ”

Im sorry I should have stated the question more clearly.
Is it possible to go back from 3.4.20136 to the version before that one? I would like to get rid of the bluetooth/radio issue. Thanks!

You can go back to any other 3.4 version. You just have to select “downgrade” in the Ford SYNC Downloader application and then once you complete the downgrade go to your desired version. The versions with the least issues seem to be 19101, 19200 and 19274.

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Great! Thanks for the reply!