I have the following issue, we got a used Kuga 2017 which did not yet have any sync updates.
I went to the ford page and downloaded the new sync package and succesfully updated to sync SW to 3.0 20204.
Maps have been at F6.1 and with the update I got access to a new 9.2 GB map package called
Map_9420893521_Update.zip which contains
After doing this update I get a message that part 1 is succesfully finished, but I need to restart
the car to get part 2 done. I stopped the car, closed the doors, locked, opened again, started but this doesnt
help I am in continouus loop getting this part 1 successful message forever
I tried also to created the USB stick fresh and started over, but it leads to the same, also any tries to get the update
via WIFI didnt succeed.
I saw mentions of this issue also in other forums, but I didnt see any solution yet, any idea what can be
done to solve this ?
what came to my mind is that maybe the update is to big to fit to the partitions in my sync, but actually
I dont have detailled knowledge of how it should be for succesful udpate and what could be done next then.
here a snippet from the interrogator reponse:
<d2p1:PartitionHealth type=“/fs/usb0/” total=“59G” available=“59G”/>
<d2p1:PartitionHealth type=“/fs/tmpfs/” total=“128M” available=“126M”/>
<d2p1:PartitionHealth type=“/fs/sd/MAP/” total=“1.5G” available=“4.5M”/>
<d2p1:PartitionHealth type=“/fs/sd/MAP/” total=“14G” available=“79M”/>
<d2p1:PartitionHealth type=“/fs/Nuance/” total=“18G” available=“48M”/>
<d2p1:PartitionHealth type=“/fs/Nuance/” total=“1.9G” available=“7.6M”/>
<d2p1:PartitionHealth type=“/fs/Nuance/grace” total=“1.0G” available=“6.1M”/>
<d2p1:PartitionHealth type=“/fs/rwdata/” total=“1024M” available=“727M”/>
<d2p1:PartitionHealth type=“/fs/mp/” total=“1024M” available=“40M”/>
<d2p1:PartitionHealth type=“/fs/images/” total=“55G” available=“17G”/>
SYNC Region: EU
Navigation Variant: Nav
Manufacturer Year: Pre MY20
Install Type: OEM
Old SYNC Version: 3.0.20204
New SYNC Version: 3.0.20204
Do you have a error message, if so what is it?
part 1 succesful
Update Method: Official Ford