What is your new SYNC 3.4 21194 o you have a error message, if so what is it?
How did you update, Ford Website
Hi was hoping someone would be able to give me some help.
I have used the Ford updater to update my sync 3.4 Build 21194_Product without issue.
Updating the Maps went sidewise with auto shutdowns but the Sync says F10 for map installation so i guess it worked. no log file was produced so i tried to use the ford Interrogator-AB to generate a new one. This however returns PKG_ERR04 which doesn’t sound good. reapply the map update again from ford gives MEM_ERR01.
is there a way to correct this with Cyanlabs or it is nothing to worry about? i called the number suggested (FordUK)but while waiting for them to be less busy, i note others saying don’t ask Ford.
Use the -AD version of the Interrogator Tool. (2020)
Once you have the XML file, post it here, minus your VIN, and We’ll take a look at what is installed. You can also see this if you use the Syn3 Updater on the Troubleshooting tab, Interrogator USB section.
where can I find interrogator-ad? I can only find -ab from ford?
I tried to use the troubleshoot tab which works fine until i try to open the .xml and then crashes which is odd as it worked yesterday on the previous release.
Download the appropriate file for your Sync version. (This is the recommended file use, although -AC is compatible with 3.4.)
For Sync 3.0, use file GB5T-14G386-AB.
For Sync 3.2/3.3, use file GB5T-14G386-AC.
For Sync 3.4, use file GB5T-14G386-AD.
Thanks. I was expecting to find the grace notes in either the 3.4 Ford upgrade file or the maps but they are In neither as far as I can tell.
For the uk I’m guessing 4U5T—14G423-AC if some one can confirm for me please
My other car on a sync 3.0 is showing ! Which seems older than the version listed above but was hoping would confirm the correct file? Would this second sync unit benefit from the same update of grace notes? I assume Ford never update them??