Tried updating my sync3 and got an error message

after trying to update my sync3 radio i put the usb back into my computer and it gave me an error message.

SYNC Region: NA

Navigation Variant: Nav

Manufacturer Year: Unknown

Install Type: OEM

Old SYNC Version: 1.0.15139

New SYNC Version: 3.4.23088

Do you have a error message, if so what is it?
the xlm file you have selected does not contain the expected output syn3 updater has determined you are on 1.0.15139 and may be using overlays syn3 updater is unable to determine the configuration of your apim please request assistance on our forum

Update Method: CyanLabs Syn3 Updater

Syn3 Updater Version:

Syn3 Updater Documentation Read: yes

Syn3 Updater Log File

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<p:OTAModuleSnapShot xmlns:d2p1="urn:ford/Vehicle/Module/Information/v3.0" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:p="urn:ford/com/productdesign/ipp/ModuleSnapshot/v2.0" version="2005-07-29" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:ford/com/productdesign/ipp/ModuleSnapshot/v2.0 ModuleSnapshot.xsd">
  <d2p1:DTC DTCValue="f0000408"/>
<p:Node isFlashed="false" specificationCategory="GGDS">
  <d2p1:ECUAcronym name="APIM">
      <d2p1:Gateway gatewayType="NONE">
        <d2p1:DID didFormat="ASCII" didType="Embedded Consumer Operating System Part Number" didValue="8033" responseLength="24">
        <d2p1:DID didFormat="Packeted" didType="Embedded Consumer Applications Part Numbers 1" didValue="8060" responseLength="384">
        <d2p1:DID didFormat="Packeted" didType="Embedded Consumer Applications Part Numbers 1" didValue="8061" responseLength="384">
        <d2p1:DID didFormat="HEX" didType="ECU Checksum 1" didValue="D704" responseLength="4">
        <d2p1:DID didFormat="HEX" didType="ECU Checksum 2" didValue="D705" responseLength="4">
        <d2p1:DID didType="Direct Configuraation DID DE00" didValue="DE00">
        <d2p1:DID didType="Direct Configuraation DID DE01" didValue="DE01">
        <d2p1:DID didType="Direct Configuraation DID DE02" didValue="DE02">
        <d2p1:DID didType="Direct Configuraation DID DE03" didValue="DE03">
        <d2p1:DID didType="Direct Configuraation DID DE04" didValue="DE04">
        <d2p1:DID didType="Direct Configuraation DID DE05" didValue="DE05">
        <d2p1:DID didType="Direct Configuraation DID DE06" didValue="DE06">
        <d2p1:DID didFormat="ASCII" didType="On-line Diagnostic Database Reference Number" didValue="F110" responseLength="24">
        <d2p1:DID didFormat="ASCII" didType="ECU Core Assembly Number" didValue="F111" responseLength="24">
        <d2p1:DID didFormat="ASCII" didType="ECU Delivery Assembly Number" didValue="F113" responseLength="24">
        <d2p1:DID didFormat="ASCII" didType="ECU Calibration Data #1 Number" didValue="F124" responseLength="24">
        <d2p1:DID didFormat="ASCII" didType="Private Sub Node #1 Serial Number" didValue="F141" responseLength="16">
        <d2p1:DID didFormat="State Encoded" didType="Software Download Specification Version" didValue="F162" responseLength="1">
        <d2p1:DID didFormat="State Encoded" didType="Diagnostic Specification Version" didValue="F163" responseLength="1">
        <d2p1:DID didFormat="ASCII" didType="Vehicle Manufacturer ECU Software Number" didValue="F188" responseLength="24">
        <d2p1:DID didFormat="ASCII" didType="ECU Serial Number" didValue="F18C" responseLength="16">
        <d2p1:DID didFormat="HEX" didType="ECU MAC Address 1" didValue="F1D0" responseLength="6">
        <d2p1:DID didFormat="HEX" didType="ECU MAC Address 2" didValue="F1D1" responseLength="6">
  <d2p1:ODLNetwork d2p1:NetworkDataRate="500" d2p1:NetworkName="HS-CAN" d2p1:NetworkProtocol="CAN" d2p1:DLCName="SAE J1962" d2p1:Pins="6,14"/>
  <d2p1:DTC DTCValue="f0000408"/>
  <d2p1:AdditionalAttributes logGeneratedDateTime="2005-07-29T20:06:39+00:00" RAM="1234567" vmcuVersion="Vector_VMCU_02.02.20">
    <d2p1:PartitionHealth type="/fs/usb0/" total="29G" available="29G"/>

No hi or thanks?, short for words?.

Ok, here are my few words for you: no my20 apim, can be reformatted, go to 2.2.17011 first, replace hub.

hi, im sorry didnt mean to comeoff as rude. computer stuff is not really my strong point. by the time i got to asking what i needed to do i was really feeling defeted. thank you for the advice ill give that a try. not quite sure what you mean by replace hub tho.

hi, im sorry but im not finding the 2.2.17011, the hub is that the app on my computer that you use to set up the usb stick? im sorry im not understanding.


Please do not double post, use the edit button instead if you want to add information. I’ve merged your 2 previous messages.

About the HUB, I’m talking about the USB HUB in the car. For a 2016 car it needs to be replaced to be AndroidAuto/CarPlay/Sync3 3.4 compatible. More information about the required part number can be found here → Media Hub, CarPlay Compatible - 2015-2020 Ford/Lincoln - SYNC 3

About 2.2.17011, take this post as a guide to ensure Android Auto / Car Play works before moving to 3.4 → 2016 Mustang Sync3 1.0 updated to 3.0 and no Apple Carplay! - #10 by SaNdMaN
2.2.17011 has been flagged as one of the “AA/CP activation build”, and since you can’t go back from 3.4 to 3.0 (or earlier), my recommendation is ensuring AA/CP works on 2.2 / 3.0 before upgrading to 3.4.

im sorry about the duble post. still learning and didnt know. thank you for showing me what the hub is. ill be ordering it today. ill go over your other instructions while i wait for it to be delivered, amazon says tomorrow.

Great, you can update to 2.2 while you wait for the hub.
Even though a solution has already been provided, I’m extending the auto-closure from 2 to 10 days of inactivity, so that you do not have to rush things.

Keep us updated how things go.

Thank you very much for your patience with me. Would it be ok to send a couple pictures to make sure my usb is set up correctly?

Sure, send them here.

That won’t work, you didn’t follow the guide:

So all the compressed files (GZ ones) must be under that folder, not on the root.
Also, there are 2 issues with the autoinstall.lst file:

  1. there’s strange coding at the options statement, maybe due to copying from the webpage. Check the page you downloaded the files from, there’s an option to download the autoinstall.lst file from there directly
  2. windows says it’s a text file, so I think that file is named autoinstall.lst.txt in reality. So make Windows display the file extensions to ensure it’s .lst and not .lst.txt

Hopefully i got it correct this time.

It’s not. Do not take this the wrong way, but are you reading the instructions?

Have you done so?, no, because the .lst file is not called that way in the picture you sent and it’s inside the SyncMyRide folder. None of that is what point D says.

Plus, none of the .GZ files have the correct name either…
All the files have (some-number) at the end…

Also, I’m not sure why you are creating everything on your local C drive…

Like this…
autoinstal.txt (159 Bytes)

Change the txt extension to lst.
The HN1T file must be named EXACTLY what is says in the file and placed in the SyncMyRide folder on the USB. The autoinstall file goes in the root of the USB.

I am reading the instructions, just sinking in slowly. I dont know how but think i changed my usb drives name to cyanlabs so ill have to try and fix that. I had to google what root was and believe i did it on my local c drive by accident.
I will try and study the instructions more tomorrow at work and hopefully have it figured out.

F150chief thank you for jumping in to help. I think im starting to see where im going wrong at this and will try to get it put together tomorrow after work.

Syn3Updater did this, its just so it knows the drive has been used by SYN3Updater before, you can rename it easily.

Im sorry i havent messed back the last couple days. I asked my boss who knows computers for help and while the truck was running we found a leak in a transmission cooling line. Should hopefully have the part monday and hopefully fixed Monday after work. In the meantime he has been going over everything and teaching me about it.

Well, all things considered, it was a really good decision to ask for help then. That cooling issue could had gone bad in the future!.

Keep us updated when you can.