Please post the log.txt file in the root of the USB.
I’ve installed version 20282 on Ecosport my2018, without any problems at the moment, everything works as expected. I always use manual method.
Weather information is gone from Android auto screen, does anyone know if it’s an Android auto or a Sync issue?
Thank you for your answer, I would like to thank you for your work here on behalf of everyone
(sorry google translator)
This can only be an android auto issue
Version: 3.4.20237
Region: EU
Navigation: True
Mode: autoinstall
Model: VendorCo ProductCode USB Device (Size: 29,1GB)
FileSystem: exFAT
Partition Type: MBR
; CyanLabs Syn3Updater - Autoinstall Mode - Sync 3.4.20282 EU
Item1 = APPS - 5U5T-14G381-EK_1606255141000.TAR.GZ
Open1 = SyncMyRide\5U5T-14G381-EK_1606255141000.TAR.GZ
Options = AutoInstall
5U5T-14G381-EK_1606255141000.TAR.GZ (848,6MB)
INFO: Starting process (Sync 3.4.20282 - EU - Keep Existing Maps)
INFO: Downloading 5U5T-14G381-EK_1606255141000.TAR.GZ
INFO: Alle Downloads abgeschlossen!
INFO: Re-creating partition table as MBR and formatting as ExFat on selected USB drive
INFO: Creating autoinstall autoinstall.lst
INFO: Copying 5U5T-14G381-EK_1606255141000.TAR.GZ
INFO: überprüfe 5U5T-14G381-EK_1606255141000.TAR.GZ
INFO: Erfolgreich überprüft 5U5T-14G381-EK_1606255141000.TAR.GZ
INFO: Vorgang abgeschlossen!
Hi… today i got my new car… It has navi and dab and is Denmark i live. I want to update to latest version 20282 with the new 09.2020 map eu, but if i try in the car i got MEM_ERR01…
What is that mean ?
Oh it look like it cant copy beace of not enoug memory to copy to… How to i update the map to newts then ? the usb contains 24gb
This looks fine. If you have another usb, try that, as sometimes there are issues. You could also run the APIM Utility to determine if there is enough free memory for the upgrade.
You will have to perform the reformat to load the maps. Since you have a 2019 you are ok to do this.
2019 ? my car is brand new and got it today… Its a 2020 model MY20…
i got 20282 now on it, and the map is F8 version. How to update to F9 without problems on my MY20
Is the RDS radio station bug fixed? As in missing characters of the station?
2016 F150. Updated to 20282 two days ago. Two possible issues for me:
Still getting the “USB hubs are not supported please remove” notice now and then (not every time I start the truck, but does happen more than occasionally)
Android Auto seems to freeze after roughly 20 minutes of use. Not sure if an AA thing or a 20282 thing.
For the USB hub thing, needs to be updated to new hardware. This is really for Apple CarPlay support but “could” impact AA. The older hubs are slower speed data rates that may have an impact on the CarPlay/AA functionality.
Where are you located, region?
Sorry, your info indicates 2019 Fiesta Vignale. If you have a MY20, I would not update using the reformat tool.
@Louage might have better info on this in the EU.
The UK you can see letters misding
I have not seen this since I am in the US, however, @Louage might have better info on this in the EU. He is also in the UK.